My Happy Genie! – Kids

Meditation and Mindful living for Children

Live online Course | 13 weeks | Children aged 8-13 years

‘My Happy Genie’ is a basic course for children aged between 8-13 years of age (pre-teens), to help them learn meditation and mindful living in a simple and playful way. This deep and powerful program uses simple and short lessons with stories, games, craft and role plays to help the children to discover their happy genie within themselves. A practical course with plenty of real-life situations, that helps the children to live mindfully, manage themselves and their responsibilities, face challenges in their daily life, handle conflicts, and cope with stress better. While at fun and play, the children also learn deep truths about how our minds work, how we are responsible for our own happiness, and how being mindful can help us in our journey of life. Most importantly, they learn to be happy in the midst of it all.

The course is unique as it is customized to the specific needs and challenges for the children of this age, and draws from both Western scientific research and Eastern spiritual traditions. It helps the children to connect within, improves their focus and concentration and empowers them to fulfil their highest potential and blossom into peaceful and compassionate leaders who are a gift to this world.

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‘Let there be peace on earth…
And let it begin with me.’

What is in this Course?

My Happy Genie! (Kids) – Course Details

Course Fee – $70

Risk-free Enrolment (Any time Money Back Guarantee)*

An intensive 13-week program for pre-teen children aged 8-13 years with focus on their specific needs and challenges.

Experience a transformation in your child, a deep and powerful impact on him/her if committed to its practice ^.

A powerful course that draws the best practices from Western contemporary practices of mindfulness and Eastern spiritual practices. This offers different pathways to students.

Regular live weekly sessions facilitate continuity and interactive learning for greater effectiveness.

Sessions held in small groups (of 10-15 students) that help in peer learning and offer community support.

Simple and short lessons with stories, games, activities and role plays to make it fun for your child and ensure they do not doze off!

A hands-on and practical course with plenty of real life simulations, that helps the children to live mindfully and handle daily life situations and challenges with ease.

Weekly assignments (simple activities) and regular reminders to reinforce learning and deepen your child’s practice.

Recordings of missed sessions available if you are unable to attend any session.

Weekend sessions to accommodate busy schedules.

Additionally, online chat groups that open up the channels of communication between the students even during the off-class days, to motivate the kids in their regular practice, share their experiences and resolve any practical challenges that they may encounter during the course of their practice.

Affordable fees payable in advance.

* Risk-free Enrolment (Any time Money Back Guarantee) – Signing up for our programs is risk-free. As our valued customer, we cherish our relationship with you and do not want you to lose in any way. If you are not satisfied with our courses at any time after your enrolment, please send a mail to and we shall refund the entire course fee to you. No questions asked. We stand behind our programs.
^ Commit Yourself to Practice – We want the best for your child. Our programs are deep and powerful that would have a profound and positive impact on your child, if he / she is committed to their practice. For maximum benefit, we recommend your child to practise the teachings for at least 30 minutes every day – kindly get their commitment on this before you enrol them into our programs.

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Course Duration and Timings

Online Weekly Sessions

From Feb 10, 2024 to May 04, 2024

Every Saturday from EST 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm

(Convert to local time)

About the Faculty

Janani Ravikumar is a globally certified meditation and mindfulness teacher (under a course accredited by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association) and coach. She has been practicing meditation and mindful living for over 22 years, and has taught children in several schools, colleges and other educational institutions. Being a mother of two kids, she can understand the challenges and emotional roller-coaster ride that our youngsters go through in today’s complex modern world. She feels that the first and foremost thing that children must learn is to discover their inner world inside and connect with themselves within. This alone will help them to live in and face the challenges posed by this turbulent world with ease, and mature into kind and strong adults with wonderful human values.

Learn More

Janani Ravikumar

Challenges you may face with your kids


Lack of attention or focus

Stress at school

Mood swings, anger, anxiety, fear, sadness, etc.

Aggression or diffidence, low self-esteem

High distractions, unhealthy habits

Peer pressure, struggling with relationships


Above all, do you wonder how to raise a happy, healthy and compassionate child who would serve herself and the world in the best possible way?

How meditation and mindfulness can help

Helps to manage themselves better

Children of this age experience frequent mood swings and extreme emotions that may leave their parents exasperated. However, practising mindfulness helps children to be aware of their emotions as and when they arise. Hence, they are able to catch and manage difficult emotions like anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, etc. before they go out of control. They also realize that they are responsible for their own happiness, rather than blaming others and situations for their unhappiness. So, they are more relaxed and behavioral issues reduce, which is a big relief for you. The relationship between you and your child improves significantly, with lesser conflicts and stress at home.

Able to foster meaningful relationships

Children meet and interact with many people, their teachers, friends, neighbors and so on. However they are sensitive and easily hurt, and when they face conflicts in relationships, are at a loss on how to resolve them. They react from crude emotions or by imitating someone whom they have seen in a similar situation. Mindfulness fosters kindness and compassion in your child. So, they are able to understand the other’s point of view and are empathetic to their pain. They are honest, less needy, less judgmental, forgive more and trust more. And this is the crux to the making of a beautiful relationship; so, such kids are able to form and cultivate deep and meaningful relationships.

High focus helps in handling work with ease

Children suffer from stress in school due to high pressure in terms of academic performance, increased competition and societal expectations. They are also prone to high distraction and unwanted exposure like the social media, internet, games, etc. Hence, most of the kids struggle with managing their work, as they are often distracted and unfocused. That is why meditation and mindfulness is essential as it improves focus and concentration manifold. They are also less prone to distractions as self-control increases. So, the quality of the work they perform is excellent and they are able to plan and complete their tasks easily.

Peer pressure reduces and confidence improves

Kids generally succumb to peer pressure at this age. They become conscious of their appearance and try to emulate their friends, by dressing, behaving or buying things that their peers own. Some children feel they are not good enough; they may express this with diffidence or aggression. However, children who meditate regularly are able to accept and love themselves more. Peer pressure reduces as they understand that there is no need to emulate somebody else to become better. Consequently, their feeling of inadequacy diminishes and self-confidence improves; hence timidity or aggression reduces.

Evolve into peaceful teenagers and holistic adults

As children near puberty, their fledging ego is slowly becoming stronger. They become more independent and assert their individuality like young adults. However regular mindfulness practice helps kids to be better prepared to handle the challenges of puberty, and the many changes that their bodies and emotions go through. They are able to accept themselves more and manage their own self well. Therefore, they evolve into peaceful teenagers who later blossom into happy and well-grounded adults capable of managing themselves, their relationships and life effectively.

Gift your child a beautiful life, and
gift this world a beautiful human being.

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General FAQs

Although meditation and mindfulness are an age-old practice followed since ancient times, it has been recently validated by scientific research and studies. It has been proven to improve focus and attention levels, clarity of mind, reduce stress & performance anxiety that leads to better academic performance at school and other activities. Regular practice of meditation and mindfulness also improves self-confidence and self-esteem, promotes emotional stability and fosters kindness and compassion in children leading to reduced peer pressure and more fulfilling relationships. Overall, it promotes inner happiness and well-being, improves the immune system resulting in better physical and mental health. Therefore, absenteeism and other disciplinary issues reduce at school and home. Due to its immense benefits of meditation and mindfulness on children, it is now widely being taught in schools and educational institutions. Learn more about the scientific benefits of meditation and mindfulness for kids.

There is an old Zen saying that goes, ‘You should sit in meditation for 20 minutes a day, unless you are too busy, then you should sit for an hour’. So, the busier your child is, the more he needs an alert mind and a happy disposition to carry out his daily tasks and perform his responsibilities well. Meditation and mindfulness play a crucial role in reducing stress and promoting a healthy and happy state of mind. We understand the multiple responsibilities that children have in this modern age world, so our sessions are generally scheduled in the weekends with a duration of one hour only. However, honestly speaking, just an hour a week would not help your child to gain the most out of this powerful course. That is why we strongly recommend your child to commit to a practice of at least 30 minutes a day to reap the tremendous benefits of this program. Please ask your child this – is 30 minutes a day too must of a time to invest in themselves, considering the immense benefits that meditation and mindfulness can have on them?

This is a basic beginner’s course, so there are no pre-requisites to enroll in this course.

The sessions would be conducted primarily via Zoom or Google meet; these are popular free meeting software. As soon as you register for the course, you would be sent a recurring meeting invite, which you can use for all the sessions that you would attend. Before the sessions start, take some time to set up and connect to the meeting from your device. In case of any difficulty, please get in touch with us prior to the sessions via the group chat, so that we can help you.

Preferably, a good working computer with a wireless internet connection would be ideal for attending the sessions. However, if you do not have a computer, your child can still attend the sessions from your mobile phone or I-pad if you are well-connected to the internet. Please remember to check your meeting link, audio and video to ensure they are working well before the session starts.

Yes, but very minimal though. Please ensure that your child takes the sessions from a closed and undisturbed space, and keep off distractions for maximum effectiveness. Ensure that there is adequate space to walk, lie down or stretch a little, as some of the practices involve standing, stretching, walking or lying down; a yoga mat would be preferable. For the meditation practices, your kid may need an upright chair plus cushions / pillows, rolled-up towels or blankets or a hard mat or bed on which he/she can sit or lie down when required. Also, a notebook and pen are required which he/she can specifically use for this course.

No specific rules, however we suggest your kid to wear loose and comfortable clothing, that allows her to sit, lie down or stretch a little when required.

We do not believe in large numbers as we focus on providing personalized attention. So, we conduct the sessions in small groups of around 15-20 students only, to facilitate a homely and interactive environment, where children get to interact with each other in a friendly way and also benefit from the support of peers during their learning journey.

We would love to offer personal sessions, but our several years of teaching experience in this field has revealed that group learning is far more effective and beneficial than learning alone. We strive to create a warm, friendly and collaborative environment that facilitates learning, practice, sharing of synergies and experiences. Our sessions are structured with several activities, games and role plays that facilitate interactions between our students and aid in peer learning. Hence the children greatly benefit from the community support from the group, which they would miss out in personal one-to-one sessions. However, we also understand that come children might want to have more personalized support and attention, so we also offer individual mindfulness coaching sessions – please book your first session for free here.

We are a social enterprise who operate on a sustainable business model. In line with our vision, we have benchmarked our courses against other international organizations offering similar programs and offer them at lower than market prices. Moreover, our prices are based on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of different countries collected by the World Bank’s International Comparison Program to ensure they are fair and affordable. We suggest you do not take our words for it, but test them yourself. Do your own research and explore other similar programs and you will definitely find that we offer you the best value for your investment. Our programs are pocket-friendly, but at the same time, powerful, holistic and transformational, and designed to be simple and easy for your understanding, with a unique practical emphasis.

Although our fees are lower than the market, we do understand that it may not be possible for all to afford them. If you face genuine financial difficulties and require assistance, we are with you. We would never turn away an interested student only because of financial considerations. In true cognizance of our vision to reach the benefits of meditation and mindful living to the masses, we offer flexible payment options and limited partial scholarships. To avail these benefits / concessions, please reach out to us at or +91 99622 85622, along with a letter explaining the reason why you are unable to afford the tuition fee.

We have made every effort to make the course fun and interesting for your child by using stories, games, activities and role plays to ensure they are engaged while learning. But we do understand that some kids may not like it, and you would never know unless they enroll in the program.  Not to worry. Signing up for our programs is risk-free as we offer an Any time Money Back guarantee. As our valued customer, we cherish our relationship with you and do not want you to lose in any way. If you are not satisfied with our courses at any time after your enrolment, please send a mail to and we shall refund the entire course fee to you. No questions asked. We stand behind our programs.